About Christina

Selected portions of Curriculum Vitae


2011       Ph.D., Psychology, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California.
                Dissertation Title: Language Brokering, Interactional Styles, and Parental     
                                                  Behaviors among Latino Families

2004       M.A., Psychology, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California
Master’s Thesis Title: What Parenting Styles Can Tell Us About
Latina Mother-Child
                                                         Communication About Sexual Issues

2000        B.A., cum laude, Psychology, University of California, Riverside



Evaluator. Imagining Your Future in Medicine. University of California Riverside School of Medicine (2013 – Present)
-Evaluation of UCR School of Medicine’s eight pipeline programs
-Responsible for all evaluation activities: logic models, evaluation plans, quantitative and qualitative 
                evaluation tools, analyses, and reports to funder and partners.

Evaluator. Healthy Community for Healthy Kids Project. California Center for Public Health Advocacy. Baldwin Park, California. (2011 – Present)

            -Evaluation of an advocacy project focused on health, nutrition and physical activity of Latino families
             with children zero to five.
-Responsible for all evaluation activities: logic model, evaluation plan, evaluation
tool development, analyses,
             and reports.

Evaluator. Family Voices for Healthy Choices. California Center for Public Health Advocacy. Baldwin Park, California. (2012 – Present)

            -Evaluation of an advocacy and policy intervention project focused on nutritional standard policies impacting 
             families with children zero to five among select cities in Los Angeles County.
-Responsible for all evaluation activities: logic model, evaluation plan, tool development, analyses, and 

Community Health Project Coordinator. Future Physician Leaders Program (FPL). School of Medicine, University of California Riverside. (2012 - Present).

            -Developed and implemented community health project curriculum for high school and college student 
             program participants.
-Administered community health project component of the FPL program for 117 students. Resulting in 29 
             health education events across San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, serving 733 individuals.

Evaluator/Grant Writer. Inland Empire Latino Leadership & Policy Institute (IELLAPI). San Bernardino, California (2012 – Present).

            -Seek out grants to support IELLAPI initiatives and programs.
-Responsible for writing and submitting grants.
-Evaluate program activities for foundation funder.

Consultant. Inland Empire Economic Partnership. San Bernardino, California. (2012 – Present).

            -Consult with organization to design a leadership program including development of curriculum, timeline, and 
             measurable outcomes.

Assistant Director of Operations. Center for the Promotion of Health Disparities Research & Training/Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions (RIMI) Grant, California State University San Bernardino. (2009 – 2012)

            -Manage the overall day to day operations of the RIMI grant.
- Design and implement the student component of the program including
development  of a year-long 
              seminar on health disparities.
- Conduct research and write manuscripts with other faculty on the topic of health disparities.

Research Consultant. Future Physician Leaders Program. School of Medicine, University of California Riverside. (Summer 2011).

            -Consulted on a community health education project in the Coachella Valley.
-Assisted with community health education survey development, training of
medical students for
             data collection, analyses of survey data, and report writing.
-Convened local Promotoras as a community advisory panel to inform on
creation and distribution of a
             health education manual.



Instructor. Department of Psychology, California State University San Bernardino. (2011- 2012). Taught Psych 320: Psychology of Middle Childhood (Fall 2012). Undergraduate level course.

Instructor. Department of Psychology, California State University San Bernardino. (2011- 2012). Taught Psych 318: Health Psychology (Fall 2011; Spring 2012). Undergraduate level course.

Instructor. Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions (RIMI), California State University San Bernardino. (2010 – 2012). Taught Health Disparities Seminar (AY 2010-2011, 2011-2012). Undergraduate and graduate level.

Instructor. Department of Psychology, California State University San Bernardino. (2012). Taught Psych 303: Parenting and Family Relations (Spring 2012, Fall 2012). Undergraduate level course.

Teaching Assistant. Department of Psychology, Pomona College, Claremont, California. Teaching assistant for Psych 84cc: Psychology of the Chicano (Fall 2009, 2008, 2006)



                                            (Please note name change from Villanueva to Granillo)

Book Chapters

Buriel, R., Love, J. A., & Villanueva, C. (2011). Language brokering in Latino immigrant families: Developmental challenges, stressors, familial supports, and adjustment. In N. J. Cabrera, F. A. Villarruel, & H.E.Fitzgerald (Eds.), Latina and Latino Children’s Mental Health (pp. 91-116). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.


De Ment, T. L., Buriel, R., & Villanueva, C. M. (2005).Children as language brokers: A narrative of the recollections of college students. In R. Hoosain & F. Salili (Vol. Eds.), Language in Multicultural Education (pp. 255-272). Greenwitch, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Granillo, C., Chavez, D., Garcia, D., & Campbell, K. (in press). Exploring the Latino health paradox in children. California Journal of Health Promotion.


Campbell, K., Garcia, D., Granillo, C., & Chavez, D. (2012). Exploring the Latino paradox: How economic and citizenship status impact health. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 34, 187-207.


Villanueva, C. M. & Buriel, R. (2010). Speaking on behalf of others: A qualitative study of the perceptions and feelings of Latina language brokers. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 197-210.


Guzmán, B.L., Schlehofer-Sutton, M.M., Villanueva, C.M., Dello Stritto, M.E., Casad, B.J. & Feria, A. (2003). Let’s talk about sex: How comfortable discussions about sex impact teen sexual behavior. Journal of Health Communication, 8, 583-593.

Guzman, B.L., Casad, B.J., Schlehofer-Sutton, M.M., Villanueva, C.M., Feria, A. (2003). C.A.M.P.: A community-based approach to promoting safe sex behavior in adolescence.  Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 13, 269-283.

Technical Reports

Granillo, C. M. Caminos, A., Maciel, J., Leyva, J., Nguyen, K., & Ruiz, R. (in progress). Community Health Education Resources Manual (CHERM) Report.

Granillo, C. M. (2012). Future Physician Leaders 2012 Program Evaluation. Prepared for Dr. Raul Ruiz, UC Riverside School of Medicine, Riverside, California.

Granillo, C. M. & Ruiz, R. (2012). Future Physician Leaders Community Health Projects Report. Prepared for UC Riverside School of Medicine, Riverside, California.


Granillo, C. M. & Ruiz, R. (2012). Executive Summary: Future Physician Leaders Community Health Projects Report. Prepared for UC Riverside School of Medicine, Riverside, California.

Granillo, C. M., Gutierrez, M., & Soto, R. (2011). Evaluation Report for the Healthy Community Healthy Kids Project, 2010-2011, Prepared for First 5 Los Angeles. California Center for Public Health Advocacy, Baldwin Park, California.


2012                 30 Under 30 Latino/Native American Achievement Award Recipient, Presented by 
                        Assembly Member Wilmer Amina Carter


2003 - 2005     Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellow





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